Saturday, July 18, 2009

The beginning of the beginning.

As I am sure most bloggers before me have written- I have finally given in and started a blog. I have pondered on it for a long time, and as I find myself rambling in the comments section of a number of online news sites, I realized that maybe I should just have my own page. I also have to give a shout out to Nicole Jackson, who pushed me over the edge by having an awesome blog of her own.
So, why the title "Memoirs of a Wannabe Revolutionary" you ask? Okay no one is reading this yet, so I guess no one is asking that. A long time ago, I decided that one day I would write a book with that title, and it would be kind of a how-to book coupled with personal stories about me trying to change the world, only to find out that even getting into the right circles to change the world was hard work. But, has anyone ever tried to write a book? It is really freaking hard! And, I never even really tried; but I do have a few random pages of notes that I hoped one day would transform into a book.
But, this blogging things seems like way less commitment than sitting in front of a blank screen trying to write a book, and I don't even know how you write a book, let alone get one published. However, I should warn that I am not particularly tech savvy, so this blog will not be at the cutting edge of anything. Well except my awesome words of wisdom, those are totally cutting edge.
If you have stumbled across this blog by chance, or if you happened upon it because I worked up the nerve to share the link with people, here is some insight as to what you can except as I progress. I hope to discuss current events, specifically politics, and also throw in some pop culture. I am sure some of my topics will include my love for Obama, my distaste for Republicans in general, my anger at injustice, my obsession with shiny objects, and a ton of rants about the state of the world, including human rights, war, and globalization. In between, I will look through some of my notes and give some amazing insight into my Memoirs, including why I don't like Oprah and why I am just wannabe revolutionary.
Now, for a few things about me. I type as I think, so I will use a lot of commas and I overuse the word "so." I am from California, went to law school in Boston, and now live in NYC. This has created a number of interesting slang terms which I think are funny but may seem dumb to people who don't know me or maybe there full value is lost with the written word. I am also incredibly sarcastic. I currently work as an underpaid policy analyst, even though I went to law school and have the debt to prove it. I should have sold out and worked for a big firm (assuming I could have even gotten an interview) but as much as I bitch and moan, I set out to change the world, and I think my soul would shrivel and die if I ever did anything besides work for social change. I was raised catholic and am now a confirmed atheist, as so many catholics are.
Well, I think this qualifies as a sufficient first post. If you come across this blog, please feel free to comment on anything- my lack of grammar, topics you want me to write about, or talk about yourself, people like that.